latest job vacancies today

latest job vacancies today

hello all..this is niharika from welcome to our video channel on jobs and careers today i am bringing you the methods in which you can apply for idea cellular idea cellular which is commonly known as ideais one of the leading mobile network operating company in india. though the company is basedin mumbai, the company offers their 3g and 2g services all over the country. idea cellularalways works hard towards creating the scopes of opportunities for the employees as wellas the aspirants. the organization maintains a very vibrant and youthful work culture wherepeople believe work is fun. idea cellular provides exciting opportunitiesand challenges to the employers working for

different positions in the specific regions.the organizations mostly pay attention to the candidates who are innovative, have theanalytical power, who are self-driven and can be a good team player. the company offersjob vacancies for different positons such as sale, marketing, network services, financeand many more. they list up their requirements on their official website. apart from thatone can also find the vacancies in the website of freshersworld. it is probably the onlyindian job portal where one can find both government as well as the corporate sectorjobs listed up. people are recruited all over the country to manage the workforce in differentregions such as karnataka, tamil nadu, west bengal, kolkata, andhra pradesh, uttar pradesh(east and west), assam, bihar and jharkhand,

delhi ncr, haryana, gujrat, himachal pradesh,kerala, mumbai, maharashtra and goa, orissa, punjab, rajasthan, nesa, madhya pradesh andchhattisgarh. idea cellular recruits work force in two ways:campus recruitment and off campus recruitment. the recruitment officials of the company visitpremium b schools, ca institutes and engineering colleges every year to pick up some of thebest talents for their junior management positions. once the people are selected, they are putinto a rigorous training program for next 1 year and then finally place in their respectivepositions. those who cannot crack the opportunity toget placed in the company at one go can keep also join the company later in a senor positionon the basis of their experience and expertise.

idea cellular mostly recruits for area salesmanagers, senior executives, team leads, senior managers etc. for different locations in india.these vacancies are listed up in their official website as well as in the freshersworld’swebsite. people should create an account in the company website before they start applyingfor the positions. people who are applying through the website of freshersworld willbe redirected to the company website where in the same way the aspirants have to registerthemselves and apply for the job. if your profile matches the eligibility criteria thenonly you can get a call for the concerned authority of the company and fix an interview.the interview starts with technical round and once you successfully go through it youwill be shortlisted for the next hr round.

only after the round of interviews and verificationsyou will receive the call letter from the company.but if you miss the opportunity, do not worry you will get regular alert related to thelatest job opportunity in the company. you can check on a daily basisfor further opportunities we will be back with more such videos so stay connected with us thank you

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latest job vacancies today